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Elimination of the error «Windows could not detect this network’s proxy settings»

"Windows could not detect this network’s proxy settings" such a message is received by many users after the network diagnostics procedure, which I recommend performing in the absence of access to the Internet.

Why there is no Internet and network diagnostics does not help

There can be many reasons for the lack of access to the Internet. Performance is influenced by both physical and program factors of influence. The most common are the following:

  • Poor network cable used for connection or poor Wi-Fi coverage.
  • Failed router settings.
  • The latest updates conflict with the installed software and system configurations.
  • Free, low-quality proxy server.


Windows 10

Resetting Win10 network parameters is quite simple, the procedure takes a few clicks and less than one minute.

  1. Through the "Start" menu, go to "Settings".



  2. We are looking for the "Network and Internet" section, which is responsible for configuring all network settings of the system.
  3. In the list of subcategories, select the "Status" subsection, in the window of which you need to click on the "Network Reset" button.


  4. Confirm the reset by clicking on the button and check the result.


The procedure for resetting proxy settings is almost identical. In the section "Network and Internet" we need a subsection "Proxy server" or simply "Proxy". In this section, we need to turn off all automatic and manual proxy settings.

In Windows 7, 8

In earlier versions of Microsoft Windows (7, 8), to reset the line parameters, use the cmd command line application launched as Administrator.

  1. In the standard search line of the operating system, we drive the cmd request. In the results window, using the context menu called by pressing the right key on the application, the cases are launched on behalf of the Administrator.


  2. We need to execute two consecutive commands one by one through the command line. The first, which is responsible for returning the default settings to the wsock32.dll file, is better known as resetting Winsock. To do this, we type the netsh winsock reset command and start its execution. The second, resets the TCP / IP settings and saves the results to a text file, this is netsh int ip reset c:\netshlog.txt.


  3. An important stage is the reboot of the operating system, the changes will take effect only after it is completed.

Resetting settings after an auto-update

If the error was caused by an automatic update, then you can solve the problem in the following simple way. You need to roll back the changes.

  1. Open all the same "Settings" through the "Start" menu.


  2. We are looking for the section "Updates and Security" in which, in turn, the subsection "Recovery".


  3. In the "Recovery" window, click on the "Get started" button and follow the tips of the recovery wizard. At the end, we reboot the system and check the functionality.


Failures during updates are a very common reason for the failure of network parameters, so we recommend doing them in manual mode, having familiarized yourself well with the changes that will be made to the operation of your operating system.