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Return policy

1. We want you to love your purchase, but if you are not completely satisfied, we gladly accept most returns by mail and in stores within 14 days of purchase. Transactions can be refunded only in the following circumstances:

  • the inoperability of the proxy you purchased and the inability to replace it with another;
  • the inability to connect to IP (subject to contact our support and confirmation of this from the Technical Specialist);
  • lack of the necessary IP location;
  • lack of IP for your chosen purpose of use;
  • IP purchasing for a purpose prohibited by the terms of use on our website youproxy.io

2. As a rule, in the case of purchasing a youproxy.io week product, you have no right to claim a refund after the period of 3 days from the purchase has passed. Nevertheless, in exceptional cases, we will consider a refund beyond the such 3-days period, at our sole discretion, if you can demonstrate that the Services you purchased were not available or usable and that you made reasonable attempts to contact us regarding this issue.

3. To claim a refund, please send an email from the email address to which the Client created the account in the service with the reason for filing a refund and a full number of a bank card or other means of payment from which the Client paid for the Services. Once we’ve received your return, we’ll process it as quickly as possible, but it can take __ business days for the credit to be applied by the issuer of the credit card. Feel free to reach out to our support at support@youproxy.io directly with any questions or concerns.

4. The Clientcan get the money refund fully or partly (for that part of the proxy servers that is not available). 

5. Refunds are always issued to the Client in the currency that they used to pay for the Services to the same bank card or other means of payment. In case of payment in cryptocurrency, the refund will be made in the same cryptocurrency at the exchange rate for the period of refund (also excluding any fees). The minimum purchase amount to be eligible for a refund to crypto wallets is 70 USD.

Refunds are made net of all costs for receiving, processing and returning the payment.

6. In case of a partial refund, we only return a part of the captured amount to the Client.

7. You also may demand a replacement of youproxy.io Services in such cases:

  • At the time of receiving IP addresses, one or more addresses were unworkable for use, within a day (commonly immediately after the support contact), from the moment we receive a request, we will replace it with workable IP address or eliminate the cause of their interoperability.
  • If problems happen immediately at the time of operation (excepting the inability to connect to a proxy) - we cannot replace the IP address.
  • At the request of the Client, we can replace the region or city, deduction to the difference in price.

8. We assure performance accurate for the purposes that you indicated when buying a proxy.

9. If the Agreement as a whole is terminated, you will not be able to access your Personal Account and there will be no valid youproxy.io Services to use. 

Upon termination of this Agreement, we will terminate all licenses granted herein and you will no longer have access to youproxy.io Services.